ESE Lightning Arrester Since ESE technology can capture lightning strikes faster than a conventional lightning rod, it provides wider protection and is suitable for protecting large structures and vast areas.
Key Features of ESE Lightning Rods:
1. Is the ESE Lightning Protection System authentic or modified?
Never purchase an ESE Lightning Arrester without first requesting the Certificate of Origin, Bill of Lading (Airway Bill), and Custom Duty Receipt. You will not receive these documents from nine out of ten providers.
Reason:- These duplicate lightning arresters will not be able to protect your building and other structures from lightning damage in case of a hit.
2. Is a 100kA waveform in 10/350ms tested for the ESE Lightning Arrester?
Although 91% of ESE Lightning Arrester manufacturers claim to comply with NFC specifications for ESE Lightning Arrester, their products are not tested in accordance with NFC 17-102 standards.
Reason:- These lightning arresters can shield you from small lightning strikes, but not from large ones, which can result in fatalities.
3. Can the ESE Lightning Arrester be tested?
Nearly 87% of ESE LightningArresters cannot be tested, despite the ESE LightningProtection System's 10- to 30-year warranty. This implies that you are unable to verify whether the ESE Lightning Protection System is operational on your end. Is it able to keep you safe?
Reason:- It is quite difficult to determine whether a lightning arrestor is damaged or in operational condition simply by looking at it from the outside. Furthermore, a damaged ESE Lightning Arrester is unable to defend your expensive personnel or infrastructure against lightning strikes.
The performance and quality of ESE Lightning Arrester matters a lot to prevent the risk or damage caused due to sudden lightning discharge. That is why we being one of the most prominent ESE Lightning Arrester manufacturers in India are offering lightning arresters with compelling features that enhance their performance and durability. The features include:
Trisha Electrical is known for producing premium quality ESE lightning arresters offering excellent protection from lightning strikes by easily generating Ions. They can be easily installed at buildings, solar projects, dams, open sites, and different residential & industrial sites. All our ESE Lightning Arresters have industrial certification and are ISO and NFC17-102 standard approved. We also follow Indian and international standards to maintain optimum quality in them. As one of the leading ESE Lightning Arrester Manufacturers in India, we provide 10 years of warranty on them. We successfully supply them in PAN India and abroad with multiple satisfied clients. We intend to help our clients by fulfilling their bulk demand for ESE Lightning Arresters for various places. We are known worldwide for offering ESE Lightning Arresters at cost-effective prices.